Thursday, June 8, 2017

Finance Problem

For income in my old age I'd built a nice cozy group of municipal bonds -- they pay low interest rates, but they're pretty reliable and the dividends are free from income tax.  And I don't have to think about them, which is great these days when I seem to be a lot less capable of thinking.
Starting last January, though, some of those bonds are being called in, for some reason I don't even want to try to understand
-- and I'm left with cash to re-invest. 
When I ask for investment advice, the kids are no help at all. 
Well, full disclosure, actually I did get an opinion from my son in Vancouver, who says
"There's a good mutual fund that specializes in marijuana, but I'm afraid you can't buy it in The States."

*note: "to serve you better" my server has upgraded me and I can no longer figure out how to get pictures on this post.  I used Google to find some lovely ones -- the Canadian flag with its maple leaf replaced with a sprig of marijuana, for example -- but I can't post it.  If anyone out there feels helpful, it'd be much appreciated.


  1. Can't help with the Blogger photo problem, I'm afraid. But for an investment, I'd recommend ignorance. Some 30 years ago, Molly Ivins quoted Jim Hightower as saying of Bush 41, "If ignorance ever goes to $40 a barrel, I want the drilling rights on that man's head." Imagine how well he'd be doing under the present administration.

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