Okay, bite the bullet, call the
repairmen – or should one say repairpersons?
The garage door openers don’t work right. They’ll open the door but the remote won’t lower
it. I have to drive off leaving
that gaping invitation to passing squirrels, raccoons and who knows what else,
to come in from the cold, go up in the
eaves and settle down in the crawl space.
Then again – and this one is really serious – the bedroom tv remotes don’t work either. Same problem with both of them, so I know it's not the batteries.
So I resign myself to spending a
couple of hundred dollars. I don’t search the Internet – my generation
pulls out the yellow pages directory (which is smaller than it used to be) and
I call the garage door people with the biggest ad.
I’m sure they’ll try to sell me a new door, so I start right
out saying firmly:
“My garage
door dates from 1954 and I don't want to replace it. But the remote doesn’t work
right. It’ll raise the door but it won’t
lower it. You have to…”
“...press the
button inside the garage, and hold it all the way?”
“Yes, that’s it!!”
“Well, our
charge is $68 plus parts, $88 plus parts on the weekend. But all I’m going to do when I get
there is straighten out your sensors.”
little metal things that stand up at the bottom of your door, to keep it from
crushing whatever's in the way?
Just go out and see if the red light’s on and if one of them
got knocked sideways. Then if that doesn’t
work, call me back.”
It works.
So there’s
$88 saved, right there. $68 weekdays.
Time Warner
cable is something else again, though. I
owe them an such an unconscionable amount every month that I’ve set up autopay just
to avoid seeing the bills. And the
problem is, I suspect, not with cable anyhow, but just with those remotes. But as I don’t know who else to call, I
bite the bullet again and phone TWC.
have to send someone over. The screen
says I’ve changed to a different channel, but the picture remains the same. I’m going to be out tomorrow; can we make an
appointment for the next day?”
“I’ll be
happy to, but first, why don’t you try unplugging the set and letting it
re-boot? Then if that doesn’t work, you
can call me back.”
It works.
I could
hardly believe it – free advice! Twice
in one day! Never mind free advice that worked!
It’s enough
to restore one’s faith in one’s fellow persons.