Sunday, July 13, 2014


It’s three-quarters of a century since I stayed up all night finishing a book I couldn't put down.  In the summer of 1939, I hid out in the bathroom with Gone With the Wind.

Just did it a second time, 75 years later -- well, in bed, not in the bathroom.   The book is Orange is the New Black.  If you haven't read it -- highly recommended.


  1. Question: do you know if the book is based on the TV series (critically praised, Julie says it is excellent) or the TV series is based on the book? CMS

  2. I believe series is based on the book. and how luxurious, that feeling of just reading a book start to finish. bliss.

  3. An aside: My husband was friends with the real-life fiancé in the book and told me the story before it was a book or a series!

  4. My husband was friends with the real-life fiancé and told me that story before it was a book or a series! So interesting....
