Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Things Change

Once upon a time -- I'd be heading out today, taking a child out of school
to see and hear an ex-president of the United States.

But instead -- I'll be heading out today,
taking my rollator out of the car
to see and hear a speaker on the subject of captioned telephones.


  1. OK, I'll bite. Which child, which ex-president? Why today? Enquiring minds need to know!

  2. Because Bill Clinton is in town today. Can't say which child it would have been, depends on age I suppose. But I learned some useful things at HLA, as it happens.

    1. Oh! I thought you were making a historical reference to some particular ex-presidential speech that happened on 5 April. By the way, have my hearing exam scheduled for tomorrow to see how much worse things are from 3 years ago. I'll let you know.
